The Telescope Array Cosmic Ray Observatory (TA) is the largest cosmic ray detector in the northern hemisphere. To better illustrate the observatory’s location and size for presentations and papers, I created my own composite satellite map. The python GDAL module was used to import the rasters of the different bands, rasterio module was used to set the window on the raster, and NumPy (Numerical Python) was used to create a composite color image using the RGB bands. The satellite image was centered on the central laser facility (CLF) at the observatory. The satellite image below was created in this Jupyter python notebook on my Github profile.

Python and GIS

Python can be used for Geographic Infromation Systems (GIS) using modules such as GDAL and rasterio. The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is a library for working with the main forms of geospatial data (or images): rasters or vectors. The python GDAL module allows for importing raster and vector geospatial data in python. rasterio is also a library for interfacing with rasters of geospatial data.

To import GDAL and rasterio in python (and other modules I use in my example):

# Import Python Libraries #
import pandas as pd
import os, glob, wget
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from osgeo import gdal
import rasterio
import numpy as np
import math
import re

The python module versions I used in my example are:

Python 3.6.9
Pandas: 0.24.1
Numpy: 1.16.0
Matplotlib: 3.0.2
re: 2.2.1
wget: 3.2
GDAL: 2.4.2
Rasterio: 1.1.5

Retrieving LandSat 8 Data off AWS

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) LandSat 8 satellite continuously images the earth with 11 spectral bands. Information on retrieving the LandSat 8 data (images) from Amazon Web Services (AWS) from this link. First you need the scene list. With the scene list you have access to all the scenes that can be retrieved form AWS.

Reading the scene

f = 'landsat_8_aws_scene_list_20200808'
df = pd.read_csv(f)
# Check Scene List #

We see shape of the list and the most recent scenes

(2039703, 12)

	productId 	entityId 	acquisitionDate 	cloudCover 	processingLevel 	path 	row 	min_lat 	min_lon 	max_lat 	max_lon 	download_url
2039698 	LC08_L1GT_208004_20200806_20200807_01_RT 	LC82080042020219LGN00 	2020-08-06 11:27:39.935012 	98.45 	L1GT 	208 	4 	76.76868 	17.36822 	79.20000 	29.91599
2039699 	LC08_L1TP_176062_20200806_20200807_01_RT 	LC81760622020219LGN00 	2020-08-06 08:32:59.402007 	62.79 	L1TP 	176 	62 	-3.94766 	23.41179 	-1.84473 	25.46072
2039700 	LC08_L1TP_176079_20200806_20200807_01_RT 	LC81760792020219LGN00 	2020-08-06 08:39:46.324864 	0.01 	L1TP 	176 	79 	-28.48941 	17.69588 	-26.37063 	20.03246
2039701 	LC08_L1TP_192036_20200806_20200807_01_RT 	LC81920362020219LGN00 	2020-08-06 10:01:30.892612 	0.00 	L1TP 	192 	36 	33.53324 	7.12533 	35.65588 	9.66675
2039702 	LC08_L1TP_192044_20200806_20200807_01_RT 	LC81920442020219LGN00 	2020-08-06 10:04:42.059052 	29.92 	L1TP 	192 	44 	22.04505 	4.32692

The Central Laser Facility (CLF) at the Telescope Array Cosmic Ray Observatory is roughly centered between all three fluorescence detector sites. It is used the origin of coordinate system to determine the distance between TA sites relative to the CLF. We will use the CLF as the center of the satellite image we will create. The CLF is located 39.296944, -112.908611. Using the minimum and maximum of each scene, TA was determined to be in scenes with path = 38, row = 33. To select scenes over TA, find low cloud cover, and a spring month for aesthetics (for green fields in Delta, UT).

# Location of the TA Observatory in the Landsat 8 page #
CLF_path = 38
CLF_row = 33

clf_df = df[df['path'] == CLF_path]
clf_df = clf_df[clf_df['row'] == CLF_row]

## Turn acquisition time into datetime ##
clf_df['acquisitionDate'] = pd.to_datetime(clf_df['acquisitionDate'])

## Cut on cloud cover to less than 5% ##
clf_df = clf_df[clf_df['cloudCover'] < 5 ]

## Find a Spring Month (For aesthetics) ##
clf_df = clf_df[clf_df['acquisitionDate'].dt.month == 4]

## Sort by Most Recent Pass ##
clf_df = clf_df.sort_values('acquisitionDate',ascending=False)

which yields the at list of scenes with the selections above

productId 	entityId 	acquisitionDate 	cloudCover 	processingLevel 	path 	row 	min_lat 	min_lon 	max_lat 	max_lon 	download_url
1948587 	LC08_L1TP_038033_20200425_20200426_01_RT 	LC80380332020116LGN00 	2020-04-25 18:08:06.916571 	3.24 	L1TP 	38 	33 	37.80464 	-113.83262 	39.94594 	-111.09092
1971570 	LC08_L1TP_038033_20200425_20200509_01_T1 	LC80380332020116LGN00 	2020-04-25 18:08:06.916571 	3.24 	L1TP 	38 	33 	37.80464 	-113.83262 	39.94594 	-111.09092
947415 	LC08_L1TP_038033_20150428_20170301_01_T1 	LC80380332015118LGN01 	2015-04-28 18:07:52.232930 	2.87 	L1TP 	38 	33 	37.80416 	-113.85367 	39.94543 	-111.11137
947414 	LC08_L1TP_038033_20150412_20170228_01_T1 	LC80380332015102LGN02 	2015-04-12 18:07:58.860876 	2.49 	L1TP 	38 	33 	37.80456 	-113.83613 	39.94586 	-111.09092

Selecting the latest scene that matches our criteria and formatting the download URL

## Download Directory ##
dir = '/GDF/TAResearch/TAmap/Landsat_imgs'

# Select Scene to download #
map_df = clf_df.head(1)

# Scene Download URL
download_url = str(map_df['download_url'].values[0])
# print download_url
productId = str(map_df['productId'].values[0])

# Format list of Images to download #
download_urls = download_url.replace('/index.html','/{0}'.format(productId))
download_urls = [ '{0}_{1}.TIF'.format(download_urls, band) for band in bands]
# print download_urls[0]

Then the .tif rasters for all 11 spectral bands is retrieved from AWS using wget()

# Make Image Directory to put pulled images #
img_dir = dir + '/' + productId
if not os.path.exists(img_dir):

# Retrieve Images from AWS #
image_files = []
print('Saving to {0}'.format(img_dir))
for d in download_urls:
    image_file = img_dir + '/' + d.split('/')[-1]
#     print(image_file)
    if not os.path.isfile(img_dir+ '/'+d.split('/')[-1]):
        print('Retrieving {0}...'.format(d.split('/')[-1])), out=img_dir)
    elif os.path.isfile(d.split('/')[-1]): print('{0} already exists...'.format(d.split('/')[-1]))

which retrieves the files for LC08_L1TP_038033_20200425_20200426_01_RT.

LandSat 8 Spectral Bands

Operational Land Imager (OLI)

Band Type Wavelength, λ [µm] Resolution [m]
1 Visible 0.43 - 0.45 30
2 Visible 0.450 - 0.51 30
3 Visible 0.53 - 0.59) 30
4 Red 0.64 - 0.67 30
5 Near-Infrared 0.85 - 0.88 30
6 SWIR 1 1.57 - 1.65 30
7 SWIR 2 2.11 - 2.29 30
8 Panchromatic 0.50 - 0.68 15
9 Cirrus 1.36 - 1.38 30

Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS)

Band Type Wavelength, λ [µm] Resolution [m]
10 TIR 1 10.6 - 11.19 100
11 TIR 2 11.5 - 12.51 100

Creating a composite image from the RGB layers

To create a composite image using the RGB bands (bands 2-4), the bands are loaded using gdal.Open(), normalized and values converted to floats, and then stacked in an array using Numpy dstack()

def norm(band):
    Normalize Spectrum Bands for Composite Image
    band_min, band_max = band.min(), band.max()
    return ((band - band_min)/(band_max - band_min))

# Open Bands Using GDAL #
b = gdal.Open(image_files[1])
g = gdal.Open(image_files[2])
r = gdal.Open(image_files[3])

# call the norm function on each band as array converted to float
b2 = norm(b.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float))
b3 = norm(g.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float))
b4 = norm(r.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float))

# Create RGB Composite #
rgb = np.dstack((b4,b3,b2))

# Show Composite Image #
plt.savefig(productId+'.png', dpi=300)

Which produces the satellite image

Composite satellite image of LandSat 8 scene LC08_L1TP_038033_20200425_20200426_01_RT

Composite satellite image of LandSat 8 scene LC08_L1TP_038033_20200425_20200426_01_RT

Setting the Raster Window

To center the raster on a point of interest, in this case, the CLF, we use define the following function. We determine the downloaded raster size with raster.RasterXSize and raster.RasterYSize, then determine where the point of interest is relative to the corners, the number of pixels, and the pixel size (given the band’s resolution). Then the window is set using and the location of the point of interest and the desired window size.

def centerPOI(max_lat,
    poi_lat = ta_df[ta_df['Site'] == 'CLF']['Latitude'].values[0],
    poi_lon = ta_df[ta_df['Site'] == 'CLF']['Longitude'].values[0],
    pixels = 2000):
    Create a Window for the Rasters to Center on a Point of Interest (POI) within the Raster with given latitude and longitude of site.
    poi_lat = POI latitude in Degrees Decimal
    poi_lon = POI longitude in Degrees Decimal
    p = width of window in pixels. Each Pixel is 30m in width

    # Raster Longitude and Latitude Width #
    lon_range = max_lat - min_lat
    lat_range = max_lon - min_lon
#     print(max_lat, min_lat, lon_range)
#     print(max_lon, min_lon, lat_range)

    # Relative Position of POI #
    poi_x = (poi_lon - clf_df['min_lon'].values[0]) / lon_range
    poi_y = 1 - (poi_lat - clf_df['min_lat'].values[0]) / lat_range # Flipped y axis #

    # Open Raster and Find Size #
    raster =  gdal.Open(raster)
    dx, dy = raster.RasterXSize, raster.RasterYSize

    # Find Position of POI in Raster #
    poi_x = poi_x * dx
    poi_y = poi_y * dy

    # Calculate Window for Focus on POI #
    # Window Corner #
    x_o, y_o = poi_x - .5 * pixels, poi_y - .5 * pixels
    # Window Width #
    d_x, d_y = pixels, pixels
    window =, y_o, d_x, d_y)

    return window

Using the centerPOI() to set a square window ± 30km around the CLF

# Create Window #
window = centerPOI(poi_lat = ta_df[ta_df['Site'] == 'CLF']['Latitude'].values[0],
              poi_lon = ta_df[ta_df['Site'] == 'CLF']['Longitude'].values[0],
              max_lat = map_df['max_lon'].values[0],
              min_lat = map_df['min_lon'].values[0],
              max_lon = map_df['max_lat'].values[0],
              min_lon = map_df['min_lat'].values[0],
              raster = image_files[3],
              pixels = 2000)

# print(window)

# Load RGB Bands #
r =[3]).read(1, window=window)
g =[2]).read(1, window=window)
b =[1]).read(1, window=window)
pan =[8]).read(1, window=window)

# Normalize RGB Bands #
b2 = norm(b.astype(np.float))
b3 = norm(g.astype(np.float))
b4 = norm(r.astype(np.float))
b8 = norm(pan.astype(np.float))

# Create RGB Composite by stacking layers #
rgb = np.dstack((b4,b3,b2))

yields the figure

Composite satellite image of the Telescope Array Cosmic Ray Observatory

Composite satellite image of the Telescope Array Cosmic Ray Observatory. The Town of Delta and the surrounding fields and smaller town is to the right. The northern portion of the Sevier lakebed is to the bottom left.

Zooming in further on the FD sites and the CLF with square windows ± 3 km.

## Create An Image of Each Site Zoomed in ##
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,16))
for (i, site, lat, lon) in zip(range(1,len(ta_df)+1),ta_df['Site'].values,ta_df['Latitude'].values,ta_df['Longitude'].values):
    print(i, site, lat, lon)

    ## Finding Offset from recorded CLF lat and Long values to Center CLF ##
    lat_offset, lon_offset = -.015, -.017

    # Create Window #
    window = centerPOI(poi_lat = lat + lat_offset,
              poi_lon = lon +  lon_offset,
              max_lat = map_df['max_lon'].values[0],
              min_lat = map_df['min_lon'].values[0],
              max_lon = map_df['max_lat'].values[0],
              min_lon = map_df['min_lat'].values[0],
              raster = image_files[3],
              pixels = 200)

    # Load Bands #
    r =[3]).read(1, window=window)
    g =[2]).read(1, window=window)
    b =[1]).read(1, window=window)

    # Normalize Bands #
    b2 = norm(b.astype(np.float))
    b3 = norm(g.astype(np.float))
    b4 = norm(r.astype(np.float))

    # Stack RGB for Composite #
    rgb = np.dstack((b4,b3,b2))

    # Plot Site #
    plt.title('{0} Site ({1:.6f}, {2:.6f})'.format(site,lat,lon))

fig.suptitle('TA Sites with LandSat 8 Composite Images (30m Resolution)', fontsize=16)
plt.savefig('ta_sites.png', dpi=300)
Composite satellite images of the Telescope Array Cosmic Ray Observatory FD sites and the CLF

Composite satellite images of the Telescope Array Cosmic Ray Observatory FD sites and the CLF. Upper Left: CLF. Upper Right: Black Rock. Lower Left: Long Ridge. Lower Right: Middle Drum. Middle Drum is most apparent as it is one of the biggest sites.

Haversine Formula and Great-Circle Distances to CLF Coordinates

To determine the position of the SD sites relative to the center of the satellite for adding these positions to the map, I take the measured GPS locations of the SD and use the Haversine_formula. I use the Haversine formula to determine the positions of the SDs on the map given the components of the great-circle distance between the SD site and the CLF. Then I have the SDs in CLF coordinates and account of the curvature of the Earth. I defined the haversine() function to compute the great-circle distance and bearing between two positions given their latitude and longitude. I use this in the CLF_coord() to determine the x and y position in CLF coordinates.

def haversine(longitude_1, latitude_1, longitude_2, latitude_2):
    Calculate the great circle distance between two points p1 and p2
    on the earth (specified in decimal degrees)

    # convert decimal degrees to radians #
    longitude_1, latitude_1, longitude_2, latitude_2 = map(math.radians, [longitude_1, latitude_1, longitude_2, latitude_2])

    # haversine formula #
    dlongitude = longitude_2 - longitude_1
    dlatitude = latitude_2 - latitude_1
    a = math.sin(dlatitude/2)**2 + math.cos(latitude_1) * math.cos(latitude_2) * math.sin(dlongitude/2)**2
    c = 2 * math.asin(math.sqrt(a))

    # Earth Radius in m from wikipedia #
    radius = [6378100, 6356800, 6378137, 6356752.3141, 6399593.6259,
              6371008.7714, 6371007.1810, 6371000.7900, 6378137.0,
              6356752.3142, 6399593.6258, 6371008.7714, 6371007.1809,
              6371000.7900, 6378137.0, 6356752.314140, 6335439,
              6384400, 6352800, 6371230]
    description = [
        'nominal \"zero tide\" equatorial',
        'nominal \"zero tide\" polar ',
        'equatorial radius',
        'semiminor axis (b)',
        'polar radius of curvature (c)',
        'mean radius (R1)',
        'radius of sphere of same surface (R2)',
        'radius of sphere of same volume (R3)',
        'WGS-84 ellipsoid, semi-major axis (a)',
        'WGS-84 ellipsoid, semi-minor axis (b)',
        'WGS-84 ellipsoid, polar radius of curvature (c)',
        'WGS-84 ellipsoid, Mean radius of semi-axes (R1)',
        'WGS-84 ellipsoid, Radius of Sphere of Equal Area (R2)',
        'WGS-84 ellipsoid, Radius of Sphere of Equal Volume (R3)',
        'GRS 80 semi-major axis (a)',
        'GRS 80 semi-minor axis (b)',
        'meridional radius of curvature at the equator',
        'Maximum (the summit of Chimborazo)',
        'Minimum (the floor of the Arctic Ocean)',
        'Average distance from center to surface'

    R_Earth = {'r': radius, 'description': description}
    R_Earth = pd.DataFrame(R_Earth)

    # Radius of the Earth in km #
    r = (R_Earth['r'][3] + ta_df['Altitude'][0])/ 1000
    #r = R_Earth['r'][3]/ 1000

    # Bearing Angle CW from North
    bearing = math.atan2(math.sin(longitude_2-longitude_1)*math.cos(latitude_2), math.cos(latitude_1)*math.sin(latitude_2)-math.sin(latitude_1)*math.cos(latitude_2)*math.cos(longitude_2-longitude_1))

    # Great Circle Distance #
    d = c * r

    # Convert Bearing Angle to degrees #
    # bearing = bearing * 180 / pi

    return d, bearing

def CLF_coord(longitude, latitude):
    Calculates the x and y components of distance between a a point with decimal degree longitude, latitude.
    CLF Coordinates :
    +x : East [m]
    +y : North [m]
    clf_longitude, clf_latitude = ta_df['Longitude'][0], ta_df['Latitude'][0]

    d, bearing = haversine(clf_longitude, clf_latitude, longitude, latitude)

    # Find the x and y component of the Distance #
    x = d * math.sin(bearing)
    y = d * math.cos(bearing)

    return x, y

TA Satellite Map

Last step is loading the raster with the desired window and overlaying sites and information after calculating their positions relative to the center.

## Finding Offset from recorded CLF lat and Long values to Center CLF ##
lat_offset, lon_offset = -.019, -.02

# Create Window #
window = centerPOI(poi_lat = ta_df[ta_df['Site'] == 'CLF']['Latitude'].values[0] + lat_offset,
              poi_lon = ta_df[ta_df['Site'] == 'CLF']['Longitude'].values[0] + lon_offset,
              max_lat = map_df['max_lon'].values[0],
              min_lat = map_df['min_lon'].values[0],
              max_lon = map_df['max_lat'].values[0],
              min_lon = map_df['min_lat'].values[0],
              raster = image_files[3],
              pixels = 2000)

# Load Bands #
r =[3]).read(1, window=window)
g =[2]).read(1, window=window)
b =[1]).read(1, window=window)

# Normalize Bands #
b2 = norm(b.astype(np.float))
b3 = norm(g.astype(np.float))
b4 = norm(r.astype(np.float))

# Create RGB Composite #
rgb = np.dstack((b4,b3,b2))

# FOV Rings #
FOV_x, FOV_y = [], []
FOV_c = []   
for (ang_i, ang_f, xo, yo, color) in zip(ta_df['FOVi'].values,ta_df['FOVf'].values,ta_df['X'].values,ta_df['Y'].values,ta_df['Color'].values):
    r = 30
    x, y = FOV_arc(r, ang_i, ang_f, xo, yo)

## Composite Array Plot ##
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,16))

# Satellite Background #

# FD Site Back Grounds #
clr_clf = 'red'
clr_fd = '#065398'
clr_sd = 'white'

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111, frame_on=False)

# Plot FOV #
for (x,y,c) in zip(FOV_x, FOV_y, FOV_c):
    if x[0] != 0 :
        alpha = .2

# FD Sites #
# for (lat,lon,color,label) in zip(ta_df['Latitude DD'],ta_df['Longitude DD'],ta_df['Color'],ta_df['Site']):
#     x, y = CLF_coord(lon,lat)
for (x,y,label) in zip(ta_df['X'],ta_df['Y'],ta_df['Site']):
    if label == 'CLF' : ax2.scatter(x,y,marker='h', s=90, color=clr_clf)
    else : ax2.scatter(x,y,marker='^', s=90, color=clr_fd)
# SD Sites #
for (x,y) in zip(sd_df['X'],sd_df['Y']):
    ax2.scatter(x,y,marker='.', s=90, color=clr_sd)
# Label Sites #
for (x,y,text) in zip(ta_df['X'],ta_df['Y'],ta_df['Site']):
    #print (x,y,color,label)
    if text != 'CLF':
        if text == 'MD':
            ax2.text(x,y + 1.25,text, verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=16, color='white')
        else :
            ax2.text(x,y - 1.25,text, verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=16, color='white')

# Stuff for Legend #
ax2.scatter(40,40,marker='^',color=clr_fd, label='FD Site')
ax2.scatter(40,40,marker='h',color=clr_clf, label='CLF Site')
ax2.scatter(40,40,marker='.',color=clr_sd, label='SD Site')

# Scale #
ax2.text(-15, 28, '10 km', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', color='white', fontsize=14)

# North Compass #
ax2.text(-25, 28, 'North', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', color='white', fontsize=14)

## Attribution ##
ax.text(0.98, 0.02, 'Greg Furlich\n USGS Landsat 8\n Telescope Array Cosmic Ray Observatory Satellite Map',
        verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right',
        color='white', fontsize=15)

# Plot Info #
# plt.title('Telescope Array Cosmic Ray Observatory')
# plt.xlabel('East [km]')
# plt.ylabel('North [km]')

leg =plt.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(0.98, 0.98), prop={'size':16}, markerscale=2, framealpha = .2)
frame = leg.get_frame()
for text in leg.get_texts():
    plt.setp(text, color = 'w')


plt.savefig('ta_map.svg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=-.1)
plt.savefig('ta_map.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=-.1, dpi=300)

The final result is the composite satellite map to show the Telescope Array Cosmic Ray Observatory.

Satellite Map of the Telescope Array Cosmic Observatory Using LandSat 8

Satellite map of TA using Landsat 8 data.


RGB Stacked Satellite Images in Python

Work with Landsat Remote Sensing Data in Python

Working with Raster Datasets in Python