TAResearch 2019-02-28
Categories : Linux, Machine Learning, Weather,
Useful Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts
I realize I should improve my use of keyboard shortcuts to increase my efficiency in typing and navigation. Paraphrasing from Source 1 and Source 2
Terminal Shortcuts
Ctrl + A
= Move cursor to beginning of line
Ctrl + E
= Move cursor to end of line
Ctrl + U
= Delete the current line
Ctrl + R
= Find the last command matching the entered letters
Ctrl + U
= Delete the current line
Ctrl + K
= Delete the command from the cursor right
Ctrl + W
= Delete the word before the cursor
Ctrl + F
= Move forward one word
Ctrl + B
= Move backward one word
Shift + Ctrl + C
= Copy highlighted text to clipboard
Shift + Ctrl + V
= Paste contents from clipboard
Shift + Page Up/ Page Down
= Scroll terminal output
And of course Tab auto-completes after typing in letters.
Screenshot Shortcuts
Alt + Print Screen
= Save a screenshot of a window to Pictures folder
Shift + Print Screen
= Save a screenshot of an area to Pictures folder
Desktop Shortcuts
Alt + Tab
= Switch between open programs
Ctrl + Super + D
= Hide all windows/Show desktop
Weather CNN on CHPC
My program again is not printing anything and seems to be hanging in weather_class_train_model_v_chpc_cnn.slm
script once it gets to weather_class_train_model_v_chpc_cnn.py
. I commented out everything besides the part where I load the data. I included the functions print_process_mem()
and print_mem_info()
to see how the process and memory are doing. These functions were build ontop of psutil
def print_mem_info():
Print Memory Usage. Based on https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/blob/master/scripts/meminfo.py
nt = psutil.virtual_memory()
for name in nt._fields:
value = getattr(nt, name)
if name != 'percent':
value = bytes2humanreadable(value)
print('%-10s : %7s' % (name.capitalize(), value))
def print_process_mem():
Print Current Process Memory Usage :
process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
process_mem = bytes2humanreadable(process.memory_info().rss)
print('Process Memory :\t{0}'.format(process_mem))
Submitted and queued. Also backed up from CHPC kingspeak
. Error missing python module os